UNIX 2.8 and/or 3.0 downloads?

Joshua Channing Gargus schwa at cc.gatech.edu
Fri Apr 6 02:59:41 UTC 2001



On Fri, Apr 06, 2001 at 02:42:56PM +1200, Richard A. O'Keefe wrote:
> I wrote:           vvvvv
> 	> Oh well, where do I pick up a "stable 3.0 for SPARC/Solaris that can be
> 	> installed easily by idiots without root passwords"?
> Henrik Gedenryd <Henrik.Gedenryd at lucs.lu.se> replied:
> 	Ok, maybe I wasn't expressing myself clearly enough.
> 	The idea was this:
> 	Take a 3.0 VM.  Rename it to 2.8 if you wish.
> 	You now have a stable 2.8.  Go.
> You haven't answered the question.
> The question was "WHERE"?
> 	http://www.squeak.org
> sent me to
> 	http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak.388
> "Downloading Squeak", which says that the current version is 3.0,
> and directed me to
> 	http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/298
> "Download for Unix", which directed me to Ian Piumarta's
> 	http://www-sor.inria.fr/~piumarta/squeak/
> which tells me that
>     "The current major version number is 2."
> and "The current release is 2.7."
> Back up to "Download for Unix", which suggests SourceForge, but
> 	http://sourceforge.net/projects/squeak
> tells me that
>     "This Project Has Not Released Any Files"
> Back up to "Download for Unix", and try the third alternative,
> the UIUC archive.  The page
> 	http://st-www.cs.uiuc.edu/archive.html
> doesn't mention the word 'Download' or 'Unix' anywhere,
> and when I try a keyword search for "Squeak Unix VM", it says
>     "No matches found."
> There's another keyword search, which only finds "What's Hot",
> which doesn't apparently include Squeak 3.0.  Displaying that
> page wedged Netscape 4.7 somehow, so pause to kill it and get
> back to "Download for Unix".  RPMs aren't any use to me, so
> ignore that.  Patches?  No good until I have something to
> patch, so ignore that one.  Solaris isn't Debian, so ignore
> that one.  NetBSD, OpenBSD, SCO System V, nope, none apply.
> Bottom line:
> 	http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/298
> does NOT lead me to a 3.anything Squeak for Solaris.
> Go back further, to "Downloading Squeak".  That points to
> 	http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/275
> "Squeak Versions", which says near the top
>     "Current stable (?) version is now 2.8."	
> We have a SERIOUSLY out of date site here, friends!
> To be honest, "Downloading Squeak" points first of all to
> 	ftp://st.cs.uiuc.edu/pub/Smalltalk/Squeak/
> which could do with a rather more helpful README.
> 	ftp://st.cs.uiuc.edu/pub/Smalltalk/Squeak/2.8/
> is of course where I found Squeak-2.8.3*.rpm (no use on Solaris)
> and Squeak-2.8pre3-sparc-sun-solaris2.5.1.tar.gz
>               ^^^ how stable?       ^^^^^ long obsolete
> Looking in 3.0, now that I have been told that VM should work
> with 2.8 images and changes file, I find 
> 	Squeak-3.0pre2.tar.gz.
> 	          ^^^^
> Excuse me?  Is this the 3.0 *stable* release?  *Is* there a fully
> patched Squeak 3.0 "final" VM for UNIX anywhere?
> Ok, getting this far has taken me 3/4 of an hour, and got me nowhere.
> (Oh yeah, the ReadMe.txt in Squeak/3.0/files/ is no help at all to
> anyone coming in via FTP who wants to know which files to get.)
> So can anyone *please* answer this simple question:
>   Given that I *have* 
>     + SqueakV2.sources
>     + Squeak2.8.changes
>     + Squeak2.8.image
>   and that I am experienced at installing UNIX software, given adequate
>   instructions, 
>   just what files should I download to get the least buggy available
>   VM that I can compile and install on SPARC Solaris 2.8 that will
>   run Squeak 2.8 and where do I find them?
> In order to get all the URLs and quotes above, I repeated the search
> I did the other day.  Three quarters of an hour is what it took me today,
> so the first time must have been rather longer.  It should not be this
> hard to look for a "Squeak 2.8 final for Unix" and fail.

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