Morph follow path

Karl Ramberg karl.ramberg at
Sun Apr 1 09:16:26 UTC 2001

Karl Ramberg wrote:
> I'm missing some editing power in the path one draw for
> morphs to follow. The current imlementation is a OrderedCollection
> of 70 cursor points. It would be cool to turn this into a LineMorph
> so it could be edited. Is there a easy way of doing this ?

Funny how formulating the problem almost always gives the solution:

path _ (PolygonMorph
		vertices: (self renderedMorph valueOfProperty: #pathPoints)
		color: Color orange borderWidth: 1 borderColor: Color black) openInWorld.
path makeOpenOrClosed; showOrHideHandles 

Now I just need it to send the vertices to the property #pathPoints and
aim for the stars :-)


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