LG tutorial & difference between 2.x & 3.x

Ned Konz ned at bike-nomad.com
Wed Aug 1 04:04:05 UTC 2001

On Tuesday 31 July 2001 07:08 pm, you wrote:

>     World addMorph:
>         (PolygonMorph
>          vertices: {50 at 50.200@200}
>          color: Color red
>          borderWidth: 20
>          borderColor: Color red)
> The only problem is, in the process a Rectangle gets instanciated, and
> Rectangle doesn't have a corner mutator, only an accessor.  So it breaks.

> 	Am I missing something?

Yes, you're missing a space after the period in "50 at 50.200@200". You told it 
to make something out of a B3DVector, which is what you get when you first 
make a Point 50 at 50.200  and then send it @ 200.

You mean: {50 at 50. 200 at 200}

Ned Konz
currently: Stanwood, WA
email:     ned at bike-nomad.com
homepage:  http://bike-nomad.com

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