Morph color question

Timothy Reaves treaves at
Thu Aug 2 01:23:40 UTC 2001

	Hello all.

	I am playing with Squeak and the LG tutorial series.  This is the code in question:
    World addMorph:
         vertices: {50 at 50. 200 at 200}
         color: Color red
         borderWidth: 20
         borderColor: Color red)

	As the article suggests, I play with the halos.  One of them gives the option to inspect the object, and another the option to change the color.  I select to change the color.  I chnage it to a nice blueish green.  I then select to inspect it.

	The inspector opens, and I'm looking around.  I choose to see the instance variables (All inst vars).  To my surprise, the color attribute is : Color red.  How can this be?  I changed the color with the color selector.

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