ARM woes (follow-up)

Tim Rowledge tim at
Wed Aug 15 03:50:47 UTC 2001

Kevin Fisher <kgf at> is widely believed to have written:

> Oh well, mystery solved (somewhat).  Next time I use VMMaker. :)
Although I hope that will help you in the general sense, I fear it won't
help much with the specific problem of screwed up gcc stuff. So far as I
can tell, gcc _still_ cannot mix ARM fp & optimisation :-(

Latest VMMaker news:- I can build with security _enabled_ but without
the security plugin included, have been able to properly factor the
previously bad direct branches. The VM even runs ok afterwards. We can
now build on Acorn, Mac, W32 and *nix. Anybody looking after
other platforms that wants to join in should contact me.


Tim Rowledge, tim at,
Useful random insult:- Supports nativist theories that man is formed from clay.

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