[GOODIE] SlideShow

Jochen F. Rick nadja at cc.gatech.edu
Mon Aug 20 17:48:55 UTC 2001

> You might want to look at the support for such operations in bookMorphs.  There is a BookPageSorter invoked by 'sort pages' that allows instant drag/drop sorting of thumbnails.  This can even be used from one book to another.  While you'll see the same 
delay to build the thumbnails, things are instant from then on.  BookMorphs cache the thumbnails, so you can re-sort later with no delay, except for new pages.

Hi Dan,

this was actually my inspiration for the reordering stuff. My reordering 
window works basically in the same way. Once thumbnails are created, they 
are stored externally, so that you can just move directories around 
without having to keep anything in memory.

Peace and Luck!


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