[FIX] Environments bug

Bob Arning arning at charm.net
Tue Aug 21 23:33:40 UTC 2001

On Tue, 21 Aug 2001 17:54:42 -0400 "PhiHo Hoang" <phiho.hoang at home.com> wrote:
>    I just brought up a virgin Squeak3.1Alpha latest update #4261 then
>'doIt' :
>    'Environment reorganizeEverything.'
>    and get:
>    'Error: CompiledMethods may only be created with newMethod:header:'


This should fix that problem.



'From Squeak3.1alpha of 28 February 2001 [latest update: #4268] on 21 August 2001 at 1:23:42 pm'!
"Change Set:		CompilerLitFix-ar
Date:			21 August 2001
Author:			Andreas Raab

A fix for a bug concerning read-only globals."!

!LiteralVariableNode methodsFor: 'code generation' stamp: 'ar 8/21/2001 13:21'!
sizeForStore: encoder
	| index |
	(key isVariableBinding and:[key isSpecialWriteBinding]) 
		ifFalse:[^super sizeForStore: encoder].
	code < 0 ifTrue:[
		index _ self index.
		code _ self code: index type: LdLitType].
	splNode _ encoder encodeSelector: #value:.
	^(splNode size: encoder args: 1 super: false) + (super sizeForValue: encoder)! !

!LiteralVariableNode methodsFor: 'code generation' stamp: 'ar 8/21/2001 13:21'!
sizeForStorePop: encoder
	| index |
	(key isVariableBinding and:[key isSpecialWriteBinding]) 
		ifFalse:[^super sizeForStorePop: encoder].
	code < 0 ifTrue:[
		index _ self index.
		code _ self code: index type: LdLitType].
	splNode _ encoder encodeSelector: #value:.
	^(splNode size: encoder args: 1 super: false) + (super sizeForValue: encoder) + 1! !

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