Publishing with the latest changes

Ross Boylan RossBoylan at
Wed Aug 22 02:40:53 UTC 2001

On Tue, Aug 21, 2001 at 06:50:59PM -0700, Michael Rueger wrote:
> Ross Boylan wrote:
> > 
> > I just took in the latest updates.  Now when I publish, I get a nice
> > pane "Publish this Project" with buttons "save" etc.  What I don't get
> > is any locations listed in the big subpane.
> Did you try "save as" as well?
The choices are "save" "save on the local disk only" and "cancel".
No "save as".

Here's the full sequence:
I click on the orange publish button on the panel at the bottom of my
window.  A little pane that says "Please describe the project" comes up,
with the name of my changeset filled in.  I hit OK, and this brings up
the "Publish this project" window.

> Was this a new project or one downloaded from a server?

I created the project locally, and had previously published it (under 
the old publish code).

> > I noticed some stuff in the update notes about changes to publishing
> > and server identification, but this doesn't seem like such good
> > behavior.
> It definitely isn't.

Also, after reading the release notes, I tried the suggested incantation:
ServerDirectory storeCurrentServersIn: (FileDirectory default
directoryNamed: 'currentServers').  This produces an error (Message
not understood nextPutAll:) whose proximate cause is that
ServerDirectory class>>storeCurrentServersIn: aDirectory

	| file |
	self servers do: [:each |
		file _ aDirectory fileNamed: (ServerDirectory nameForServer: each).
		each storeServerEntryOn: file.
		file close].

fails because the indicated code produces nil for the file.  The
argument to fileNamed: is 'UCSBCreateArchive'.  Perhaps I need to
create a currentServers subdirectory before I start?

The docs suggest to me that the incantation is optional, and I should
be able to work without it.  It's not clear to me if this is something
I'm supposed to do before or after taking in the updates.  In the
former case, I'm a little late!

> Michael

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