unfortunate esug-contribution cancellation

Familie van Echtelt fam.echtelt at zonnet.nl
Sun Aug 26 21:16:26 UTC 2001

Dear Squeakers,

Due to unforseen business and private oblogations I have to cancel my
contribution for the Esug. (Scheduled at the 30th of august). Momentarily
we're at Cosmocows working on a project of which the delivery of the first
functionalities reaches its deadline.

I wish everybody a very good time at Esug'01 (www.esug.org). The program
looks good and loaded. I'm very sorry my contribution has to be cancelled so
extremely late.

greetings Mathieu van Echtelt.

ps. eventhough there aren't any real good excuses for a cancellation of
Esug, there is a XP rule: "plan business values first", that comes pretty

pps. Our website will be changed soon (within two months) and explain what
projects we're doing with Smalltalk.

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