JPEG plugin stuff

Andrew P. Black black at
Mon Dec 3 16:18:23 UTC 2001

I'm impatient to try out the new JPEG decoder, but I can't find a Mac 
0S 9 version of the plugin.  It's not at
for example, where I expected to find it.  Are my expectations wrong 
-- others seem to be using this!  Where should I look for a 
pre-compiled plug-in?

One thing that I wanted to look at with this new plugin was whether 
it assumes that it's input was a disk file, or whether it could read 
from any stream.  The Old MPEG plugin assumed a file, which made it 
useless for our purposes: streaming video over the network.

As far as I can see, JPEGReadWriter2 read from an arbitrary Stream, 
which is good.  But I'm a bit confused -- I thought that I had read 
here recently that the plugin was case-sensitive in reading file 
names ...  but this plug-in does not seem to read any file names.


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