JPEG issues

Bijan Parsia bparsia at
Thu Dec 20 02:05:55 UTC 2001

On Wed, 19 Dec 2001, Michael Rueger wrote:

> Bijan Parsia wrote:
> > If it's any clue, the start of the retrieved collection is:
> > 
> > a ByteArray(60 33 68 79 67 84 89 80 69 32 72 84 77 76 32 80 85 66 76 73 67
> Which translates nicely to


Can I kill myself now?

Hmm. I seem to be misled, at least partially, by the fact that if I save
the graphic to disk from a web browser, it still doesn't want to open up
in Squeak. Thus, it *may* (since my tract record the past couple of days
is, well, *lousy*, I wish to be cautious) be both an HTTP and a JEPG

Hmm. Yes. It is both.

As Duane Maxwell, it's a progressive JEPG and raw Squeak can't handle it.

But the other problem is that the server is unwilling to return the JEPG
if we say we only accept 'application/octet-stream' mimetypes. The
following change will fix HTTPSocket class>>httpJPEG

httpJpeg: url
	"Fetch the given URL, parse it using the JPEG reader, and return
the resulting Form."

	| doc ggg |
	doc _ self httpGet: url accept: 'image/jpeg'. "The change."
	doc binary; reset.
	(ggg _ Smalltalk jpegReaderClass new) setStream: doc.
	^ ggg nextImage.

I forget off hand how to pass multiple accept types to the HTTPSocket, but
unless someone beats me to it, I'll try to package up a fix in the next
couple of days.

After all, Scamper *should* work with such servers, given that Squeak can
in fact handle such mimetypes (by and large).

Whew, I hope I've redeemed myself *a little*.

Bijan Parsia.

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