Opening cross-platform images

Eric Scharff Eric.Scharff at Colorado.EDU
Mon Dec 24 23:45:58 UTC 2001

> 1.  Create an image that OS X Carbon Squeak will open.  Inside Squeak do
> save as and save the image under the name you would like to copy from your
> "foreign" file server.
> 2.  Copy the "foreign" image to some temp directory under Mac OS X.  (This
> step can be omitted if you're using NFS or some other file system for which
> the following command will work directly.)
> 3.  At the shell, overwrite .image and .changes files you made in step 1 by
> dd'ing them from the files you made in step 2.

To me, this sounds like Mac file type / creator code issues,  The Mac
prior to OS X stores meta-data about the types of files.  This allows
files to maintain their type without requiring a specific file extension
(as Windows does.)

Mac OS X complicates this, because it still respects the file type
metadata but also uses extension information,

The problem is that, even if your .image and .changes files were copied
properly, the meta-data is not preserved since most other operating
systems do not have the same concept of meta-data.

I suspect the solution you want is the "Fix Squeak Files For Mac"
application you'll find at

This program uses the extensions to give the Squeak files their proper
file type.  Drag and drop your foreign image and changes files on to this
app.  If all goes well, the icons should change to some Squeak-looking


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