the magic behind "do it"

Andrew C. Greenberg werdna at
Thu Dec 27 16:22:58 UTC 2001

On Thursday, December 27, 2001, at 10:26  AM, Brent Vukmer wrote:

> What do I need to do to get Compiler-love?
> | exprStream result failBlock |
> exprStream  _ ReadWriteStream on: ''.
> exprStream nextPutAll: '1 + 2'.
> failBlock _ [ Transcript show: 'ArithmeticExpression#eval FAILED: ', 
> exprStream contents. ].
> result _ Compiler new evaluate: exprStream in: nil to: nil notifying: 
> nil ifFail: failBlock.
> ^ result

The problem is not compiler-related (it has to do with use of 
ReadWriteStream).  I'll begin with a somewhat more elementary "teach how 
to fish" introduction for our newbies, and get back to your question in 
a moment:

How to fish, when you are messing with strange code:

To understand what code is doing or how it works, Try browsing the 
selector (just select the expression with the selector and type cmd-B or 
cmd-M)  and see its cousins, or browsing for methods that use it 
(cmd-N).  This will give you a sense how things work -- or at least how 
they are used in practice, which is much the same thing.

Doing this, you would find a simpler class method that does most of the 
work for you:

	Compiler evaluate: '1 + 2'

	Compiler evaluate: (ReadStream on: '1 + 2')

These all work as you expect, but

	s := ReadWriteStream on: ''.
	s nextPutAll: '1 + 2'.
	Compiler evaluate: s

yields nil.  (Why?)  Simpify, always simpllfy.  Before assuming that the 
problem is Compiler love, consider whether it may be stream loving.  
Compare the results of:

	(ReadStream on: '1 + 2') nextLine		'123'


	s := ReadWriteStream on: ''.
	s nextPutAll: '1 + 2'.
	s nextLine						nil

This is the problem!  To confirm, note that:

	Compiler evaluate: nil				nil

Why did ReadWriteStream do that?  It has to do with the nuances of 
ReadWriteStream, whose "position" is set after writing to the END of the 
stream for more writing.  If you want to read what you have written to 
such a stream, you need to reset it.  thus:

	s := ReadWriteStream on: ''.
	s nextPutAll: '1 + 2'.
	s reset.
	s nextLine						'1 + 2'

and hence:

	s := ReadWriteStream on: ''.
	s nextPutAll: '1 + 2'.
	s reset.
	Compiler evaluate: s				3

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