Building Linux VM with VMMaker from sourceforge CVS

Douglas Brebner douglas+list at
Fri Dec 28 22:55:05 UTC 2001

On Friday 28 December 2001 18:45, Tim Rowledge wrote:
> Joshua 'Schwa' Gargus wrote:
> > There is no obvious way to hack around this, since there don't appear
> > to be definitions for these functions anywhere in the source tree.  On
> > the off-chance that the source exists in some plugin, I generated the
> > source for all of the plugins; still no luck.  Is this a problem with
> > my linux config?  I Googled 'signed64BitValueOf' to no avail, which
> > leads me to believe that my Squeak is missing something.  Could it be
> > that I have to file in some of John M's recent VM changesets?
> Yup, you need the largefiles changes that define the 64bit routines and
> would fix the off_t error for you. I forgot to call out that particular
> problem, sorry!
> I'd like to hope that we can avoid this kind of problem when the module
> system is in use by keeping the VM related modules alongside the vm C
> code; wherever we eventually decide to keep that.
> > make: *** No rule to make target `../src/src/', needed by
> > `Makefile'.  Stop.
> This is very strange - there is no way it should be looking for anything
> in ../src/src, so clearly there is some wrinkle in the makefile stuff
> that can go a little daft. Please, _somebody_ out there is surely
> knowledgable about this stuff; please help clean it up!

IIRC, the Makefile will run autoconf depending on the timestamps of the 
various files and autoconf will then screw up the Makefile. Using touch(1) on 
configure to update the timestamp will hopefully fix it.

Fixing the autoconf stuff would be better but I've no idea how to do that.

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