Losing my latin

ducasse ducasse at iam.unibe.ch
Sun Dec 30 19:16:00 UTC 2001


I have the following strange behavior with the parse tree nodes.

I cannot find where a comment is stored in a returnNode or its child like
the comment at the end of this method.

    ^ 1 + 2 "a comment after a return"

I looked into the resulting tree and all the comments are nil.


I just took my swiss knife and put a self halt in the method that pretty
print a return node.

visitReturn: aNode value: val
    self stream nextPutAll: '^ '.
    self visitNode: val.
    self halt.
    self printComment: val.

and I did not get at all the comment pretty printed.
The only change I did was this halt. When I run it and press proceed.
I lost the comment. When I remove the halt from the code I got back the
comment! You can imagine that I retried several times. But apparently I'm
redoing the same error.

Can somebody tell me where I'm wrong???


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