[Bug] BookMorphs and HeadMorphs in 3.0

Mark Guzdial guzdial at cc.gatech.edu
Thu Feb 22 13:47:21 UTC 2001

I just prepared my first talk (for SIGCSE) entirely in Squeak, using 
the 3.0 final with updates up to 3552.  I had several problems, two 
of which are replicable.

- If you create a thumbnail of a BookMorph page, then enable the 
bookmark, you get a walkback.  The bookmark by itself works fine, 

- I got the Play Writing Workbench from my textbook working 3.0 with 
only a slight tweak because orientation: has disappeared (code pasted 
below, which I'll also post on the errata site).  But the HeadMorphs 
don't "fit" anymore -- see the attached picture.  Inspecting them 
shows that the bounds on the HeadMorphs are LARGER than the 
fullbounds.  I couldn't figure out a way to fix that.

- Here's the occasional one: I would put some text strings on a 
BookMorph page (call it Page #1), then make a copy of one and drag it 
out of the book, add a page (Page #2), then put the copy on the new 
page and edit it.  When I turned back to Page #1, I'd find my string 
from Page #2 on Page #1.  I delete the extra string from Page #1, and 
everything is fine on both Page #1 and Page #2.  I couldn't get it to 
happen all the time, though.

I have one question for those using Squeak for presentations: If you 
build your talk from multiple, linked projects (as Alan does), how do 
you publish your talk for others to file in?  It's easy if you use 
BookMorphs, but spreading across multiple projects makes it harder. 
Has anyone figured out a mechanism of walking a project and those 
linked to it, and publishing them retaining links between them.


'From Squeak3.0 of 4 February 2001 [latest update: #3552] on 21 
February 2001 at 9:03:08 am'!

!PlayBench class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'mjg 2/21/2001 09:03'!
	| me |
	me _ super new "Accept submorphs vertically"
		listDirection: #topToBottom;
		hResizing: #spaceFill;
		vResizing: #spaceFill.
	^me setUp "Set up the pieces"
! !
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Mark Guzdial, guzdial at cc.gatech.edu, 404-894-5618
Georgia Tech, College of Computing, GVU/EduTech
Collaborative Software Lab - http://coweb.cc.gatech.edu/csl

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