Independent window (Re: Native GUI Squeak?)

Rick ricardosbc at
Wed Feb 21 03:27:02 UTC 2001

Wiebe Baron wrote:

> I take that back ;-)
> File the attached change set in and try the following in a workspace:
> w _ Win32Window getFocus.
> Win32Window setWindowLong:w with:(-16) with:16r80000000.
> Win32Window setWindowPos:w with:0 with:0 with:0 with:300 with:300 with:16r40
> (Those last two should be in one do-it because the first of them will make
> your window disappear!)
> You'll now have a 300x300 squeak window without a Windows border.  You can
> use that last method, together with the GetCursorPos API to make dragable
> Squeak applications with your own borders!
> One last note:These changes are not permanent, you'll have to run them each
> time you open the image :-)

Wiebe Baron:
    Thanks a lot! I'm in heaven! Using these methods I got the look I wondered
to my application. Just a little work to make it start up correctly with the
application, but now it is completely finished.
    Thanks for everyone that helped me in my project! :-)

ps: it's a pity I do not work in Windows2000 to take the advantages of
Win32SqueakMorph   and/or    Win32SqueakNavMorph...  perhaps in a future

>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                     Name: borderless.cs
>    borderless.cs    Type: unspecified type (application/octet-stream)
>                 Encoding: quoted-printable

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