Macintosh VM (requests anyone?)

Duane Maxwell dmaxwell at
Fri Feb 2 23:58:07 UTC 2001

>How about cmd-S to save
>cmd-Q to quit, asking if you want to save.
>    Ken

I would discourage this, since it is possible that Squeak may want to use
these key combinations in the Smalltalk world - in fact, cmd-S is already
used to accept in the browser.  Even if it weren't, I think saving the
image should be tougher than that - cmd-S has become a three-neuron reflex
action for Mac users, particularly those forced into using Office on a
regular basis.

There are other "good citizen" things that Squeak should do - play nice
with the Color Manager in 8-bit modes, handle the required suite of
AppleEvents, maybe even with a vocabulary, maybe some other standard
resources (MENU, MBAR, DLOG, DITL, etc) to make localization easier.  Or...
what about implementing the Form printing primitive?

- Duane

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