[Q] some questions in Squeak(Nebraska)

Yoshiki Ohshima ohshima at is.titech.ac.jp
Thu Jan 25 09:10:41 UTC 2001

  Hello Jun,

  Somehow I've heard what you want to do, so I might be able
to give you the second opinion.

> (1)It is understood which machine is working as a server when 
>    synchronous work is done by using more than one nearby computer 
>    with Nebraska.
>    ...
>    Does Nebraska have such a function?
> I am sorry if even this explanation is hard to understand.

  As other guys said, it seems to me that this "name look up
service" stuff is *not* something what Nebraska itself
should cover.  You could build a nice look up service in
Squeak or whatever, but you might want to use some simple
mechanism for this purpose, if you're not specifically
focusing on this.

  As for the question (2), you could begin it with putting
the following code in a Workspace (in a Morphic Project) and
evaluating it:

  NebraskaServerMorph serveWorld: World.
  World makeNewDrawing: (World primaryHand lastEvent copy setPosition: World center).
  Scamper open.
  IRCConnection new openView.

  With this 4 lines of code, NebraskaServer, a paint editor,
a web browser, and an IRC client will be launched.

  you might want to adjust the window positions. In that
case, you need to do a little coding in Squeak.

# You will see only one IRC client window when you evaluate
# the code.

  I understand you want to avoid learning Squeak if
possible, because of the time constraint.  However I
recommend to spend *couples of hours* to read Squeak
tutorials on the web.  It is definitely worth to do.  You
will be able to guess where you should modify and how to
modify in the system.

  Hope this helps,

  -- Yoshiki

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