MacOSX port

Marcel Weiher marcel at
Sat Jan 6 18:42:23 UTC 2001

> From: Karl Goiser <squeak at>

> In an earlier message, you said the VM was multi-threaded.  Does  
that mean
> it will go faster on a dual processor Mac?

Two answers to that:  no, and not really.

No, the bytecode interpreter itself is not multi-threaded, and thus  
won't go any faster.

The "not really" part is that you have some parallelism between the  
Cocoa-side event-handling code, so in theory you could have some  
speedup, but I doubt that this would be measurable if it is present  
at all, with synchronization overhead being what it is.

> With sound support and the like, I understand that it is possible  
to call
> Carbon code from Cocoa code?  If that is the case, maybe that is  
the way to
> go until Apple gets everything finished...

I'd prefer to just use CoreAudio and other basic APIs.


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