Need your reflective and introspective code

Stephane Ducasse ducasse at
Tue Jul 3 07:02:06 UTC 2001

Hi all

I'm starting to write a chapter for the Smalltalk Technology book

I would like to write a Chapter on how reflection or introspection is used
in Smalltalk every day. I know lot of the gory details of message passing,
mop issues, metaclass composition but this is not what I want to talk about.

So I will present basic reflection mechanism, then some examples,
I would to show 
    how the inspector works,
    How become is useful with Envy when you need to get rid of an instance
    Some scaffolding patterns (ken Auer)
    I have some other ideas in mind

But I would like to know how do you use reflection and introspection in
your today work. I do not want something big but just a little queries that
can save a lot of time.

I started to collect the one people send form time to times in the mailing
list but if you have new ones I would love to know them

Reply to me also directly.



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