Living happily together

Doug Way dway at
Tue Jul 10 19:11:05 UTC 2001

Lex Spoon wrote:
> "Jim Benson" <jb at> wrote:
> >
> > Overall, how would you compare this browser with something more structured
> > such as Whisker, and how do you envision such tasks as integrating the lint
> > and refactoring browser tools in to this gui?
> I would call whisker fairly unstructured, from what I've seen of it.  I
> do like it quite a bit, from what little I've seen.  If I had more time,
> I'd definitely be looking into it!

Whisker is probably somewhere in between "structured" and "unstructured".  I tried to make the various submorphs do as much as possible independently (so there wouldn't be a monolothic class like Browser), but there's still a decent amount of central control.  It's a balance. :)

I'd like to continue to make things less monolithic than they are now... I recently changed the superclass of WhiskerBrowser from Browser to CodeHolder, which is an improvement.  But there's still a bit too much going on in WhiskerWindow.  I really should write up some paragraphs about the current design to encourage folks to mess with it and contribute changes.

- Doug Way
  dway at

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