Microsoft removes Netscape support from IE; plug-in needsre-writing.

Andreas Raab Andreas.Raab at
Thu Jul 26 07:43:00 UTC 2001

Derek wrote:
> So many will just drop the NS API and go solely with the 90%+
> Windows/IE people.

That actually remains to be seen. Y'know the IE implementation of the NS
plugin API was never fully up to date (look at the comments in the windows
plugin and see why I hate browsers) but due to the varying browsers I just
couldn't be bothered to write a separate ActiveX control. I *had* actually
considered to write a "generic" ActiveX control that simply exports the
Netscape API (there's not too much about it) but I never had the time to do

Now Microsoft has made sure that I'll have to deal with this freaking
ActiveX stuff again. Makes me wonder ... wonder if there aren't any other
people out there who are as annoyed as I am about the situation. Browsing
through IEs "plugin" directory makes me feel that I may not be the only one.
Apple (Quicktime), Corel (Xara), Cincom (VW) all use the NS plugin API
exclusively. And last but not least, Netscape, Opera and other browser
vendors on Windows should have an interest in this.

Makes me wonder ... if there aren't a bunch of guys out there who would join
forces to write a free, open-source ActiveX/NSPlugin wrapper. Just for the
benefit of mankind. I bet if I could find four or five experienced people
who were willing to join that project we had it out and running in no time.
Free for anyone who wishes to support IE "in addition to" other browsers.

Do you know any such people?

  - Andreas

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