Morphic Rolodex: Celeste class(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand:#isActive and arguments: #()

John Hinsley jhinsley at
Tue Jul 31 04:19:38 UTC 2001

Hi all

First the background. I'm rebuilding an instance of my Morphic Rolodex
in 3.1a with the latest changesets 4173. The idea is to have everything
up and running before I move on to try and write the autodialler. 

I've got a book morph with all the addresses in, a search button, and an
email field (essentially a Show Empty Text Morph re-labelled). A button
is scripted from this field. The idea is that if pressed, the button
pops up an instance of Celeste and Mister Postman with the to: field

Ned Konz contributed the following code to perform this (pasted in the
textual code pane of the script)

| message |
message _ 'mailto:', (self costume contents string ).
message asUrl activate

(take a peek at 

to follow the story in words and pictures!)

Now, I think this code worked just fine with previous changesets (I
think I last tried it in 3.0). And Ned doesn't flunk. The button does
pop up a Celeste and Mister Postman with the email address in the to: 
field. But if I type an email and try to send it, I get 

Celeste class(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand:aMessage: a Message with
selector: #isActive and arguments: #()

I'm stumped by this. Utterly and completely stumped. Ideas, brain
transplants, welcome!



Marx: "Why do Anarchists only drink herbal tea?"
Proudhon: "Because all proper tea is theft."

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