[BUG][FIX] ifError: error blocks are often incorrect

Lex Spoon lex at cc.gatech.edu
Mon Jun 25 21:30:13 UTC 2001

mdr at scn.org (Mike Rutenberg) wrote:

> In 5 methods, people have coded natural but incorrect exception
> handling of the form
> 	[normalExpression] ifError: [errorResultExpression]
> The allowed form is presently only:
> 	[normalExpression] ifError: [ :err :rcvr | errorResultExpression]
> For, example,
> 	ImageSegment>>copyFromRoots:sizeHint:areUnique:
> has the incorrect expression
> 	[outPointerArray _ Array new: segSize // 20] ifError: [
> 		state _ #tooBig.  ^ self].
> Since the error block is not checked for the right number of arguments,
> this mistake will remain dormant until the error exception is actually
> taken.  A debugger will appear complaining that the block is being
> evaluated with the wrong number of arguments.

IMHO, the much bigger problem is that there is code in the image that
has never been run!  Statement coverage will always flush out this
error, and statement coverage is a pretty minimal level of testing.

That said, I don't *mind* if ifError: does the check.


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