Need help with ScrollPane and model...

Lex Spoon lex at
Wed Jun 13 06:05:16 UTC 2001

Stephane Ducasse <ducasse at> wrote:
> The problem is that if later I changed the contents of the aTextMorph
> then I have to **explicitly** reset the scrollbar of the scrollPane.
> Is there any way using model and changed event to have this behavior
> automatically

Using PlugabbleTextMorph and the changed/update mechanism would seem to
make all this easier.  Here's how to do it.

First, create a model object -- this technique doesn't really work from
raw workspace code.  Suppose the model is an instance of

Second, add a method to ReallyCoolStuff that computes the string to be
displaed.  For example, I'll copy your code:

     | st |
     st := ''.
     Smalltalk classNames
       do: [:each | st := st , each asString , ' '].

Next, create and open the PluggableTextMorph:

>	(PluggableTextMorph on: myReallyCoolStuff text: #reallyCoolAttributeDescription accept: nil) openInWorld

Finally, make sure that whenever your really cool stuff changes, that
you execute "self changed: #reallyCoolAttributeDescription" in order for
the PluggableTextMorph to get updated.

Here's a simple example of the whole process using arrays (I love this
example because arrays obviously don't have GUI code built in):

"create an array and open a text view of the first element"
myKewlArray := #('abc' 'def' 'ghi') copy.
(PluggableTextMorph on: myKewlArray text: #first accept: nil) openInWorld.

"modify the first element"
myKewlArray at: 1 put: 'blah blah'.

"cause the view(s) to actually update"
myKewlArray changed: #first.

This example is especially kewl if you execute the "openInWorld" line more
than once and thus create multiple views.  Whenever you change
the array and send changed:, all the PluggableTextMorph's will update
in parallel. 


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