iPAQ Squeak & LS Landscape

Ohshima, Yoshiki Yoshiki.Ohshima at disney.com
Mon Jun 18 18:08:46 UTC 2001


> > According to Craig, if you undef USE_GAPI, JS Landscape
> > works fine.
> I was refering to the use of GAPI *with* landscape orientation.  :-)  Those
> are the portions of display code I thought probably need
> some work.  :-)

  Ok.  I'm way behind the technology.  I'll check NVD and to 
see how we can use it.

> How comes the next base set of code for SqueakCE, and what do you expect to
> have in it (e.g., the GENIE plug-in or FFI)?

  I just decompress Andreas' alpha6 src tree, few second
ago.  I'll start editing it right after I send this email:-)

  Thank you for your patience.

-- Yoshiki

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