Difference between Morphs and bad programming

Ross Boylan RossBoylan at stanfordalumni.org
Tue Mar 27 20:28:15 UTC 2001

I must be missing something.  I've read a bunch of documents on morphs, 
including why they are "way cool".  I've played around with them a little bit.

It seems to me the argument for separating the model from the 
view/controller is a good one.  And it seems to me the "cool" thing about 
morphs is that they don't separate these things.

All the buzz at least suggests that morphs represent some kind of 
mind-shift from the usual way of doing things.  My mind seems not to have 
shifted!  Could anyone help me out on this one?

Do you agree that morphs include both the GUI and the model?  Or are morphs 
intended to be a more capable GUI layer that will still operate in tandem 
with underlying, non-graphical model classes?  If not, why is combining 
model and GUI a good thing?

Regardless of the first point, what is or are the core innovations of morphs?

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