Improving the interface (w.r.t. scrollbars)

Jimmie Houchin jhouchin at
Wed Mar 7 20:25:23 UTC 2001

My wife and I homeschool our children. One subject she has read much
about is on multiple intelligences.

When you have several children like I do it is easy to see differences
in the way they learn or understand things.

Because of the different ways in which people perceive, understand and
learn, it is good for UIs to be configurable to the way the user does

It is easy to see in UI discussion and the different perspectives that
people bring that people do things differently. Some people like menus,
some like taskbars, some like keyboard shortcuts. Each of these could be
linked to the same methods and accomplish the same goal but provide
different means to that goal.

Many people like to have all of the above in their app. They use the
feature available to them depending on what they are doing. If their
hands are on the keyboard they may use the keyboard shortcut. If they
are using the mouse they may go to the menu or taskbar.

It would be interesting to have something like a dual pane browser with
UI elements on the left and user accessible methods on the right. From
this screen you could connect the UI element with it's functionality.
Then you could configure the UI element to your preferences.

I think the goal should be to empower the user. Let them create the
world in which they are most productive. From this will flow ideas that
potentially would not have come otherwise.

Jimmie Houchin

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