[BUG]Re: [updates] 36 for 3.1alpha

Karl Ramberg karl.ramberg at chello.se
Sat Mar 10 09:21:55 UTC 2001

Dan Ingalls wrote:

> 3787mpegTweaks-raa -- Bob Arning -- 6 March 2001
> - moved MPEGPlayerMorph to category Morphic-Media so it will be easier to find in new morph menu
> - added nicer file selector"

I fully agree that the MPEGPlayerMorph needed a better file selector. 
But I keep getting really hard crashes with this change, eg the 
whole machine freezes up and I have to restart. 
The MPEGPlugin is really picky about what you serve it, and chockes 
in a really nasty way if it's something slightly wrong.
The old code read:

	| file dir test delimiter full |
	(file _ StandardFileMenu oldFile)
		ifNotNil: [dir _ file directory pathName.
			test _ file name.
			delimiter _ FileDirectory pathNameDelimiter asString.
			full _ dir , delimiter , test. 
			foo _ MPEGPlayer2 openFile: full asLowercase.

and the new one:

	| file |

	(file _ FileList2 modalFileSelectorForSuffixes: #('mpg' 'mpeg')) ifNil: [^self].

	foo _ MPEGPlayer2 openFile: file fullName asLowercase.


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