XML, Squeak, and speed

Michael Rueger m.rueger at acm.org
Fri May 11 06:38:07 UTC 2001

"Richard A. O'Keefe" wrote:
> Michael Rueger <m.rueger at acm.org> provided this code to add to YAX:
>     descendants: nodeName do: aBlock
>         "self name = nodeName
>             ifTrue: [^aBlock value: each]."
>         self entities do: [:each | each value name = nodeName
>             ifTrue: [aBlock value: each]
>             ifFalse: [each value descendants: nodeName do: aBlock]]! !
> There is a problem with that.  Or rather, if you start from a vague
> term like "descendants", you'll get differing interpretations.
> If you have
>     <A><B><B><B><C/></B></B></B></A>
> how many B descendants does it have?
> By my criterion (and code), it has three.
> According to this code, it has one.

Ahem, sure? Watch out for the code that actually is commented out ;-)


 "To improve is to change, to be perfect is to change often." 
                                            Winston Churchill
| Michael Rueger    m.rueger at acm.org      ++1 (310) 937 7196 |

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