Comments on Smalltalk block closure designs, part 1

Anthony Hannan ajh18 at
Wed May 2 14:23:42 UTC 2001

I think Allen's design is more "correct" for independent blocks.

I for one would like to see a block contain its own bytecodes as well as
literal references and a reference to the shared environment between the
block and its home method.  Blocks would be just like mini CompiledMethods.

This design would simplify my distributed computing design.  For example, if
I have a proxy to a remote collection in another image, I would like to be
able to do "collectionProxy select: [:person | person lastName = 'Smith']".
This would cause the select: message to be sent over the network to the real
collection and executed there.  But what components of the block argument
should I send over?  If the block's bytecodes are in the original compiled
method (like current Squeak) then I have to copy the home context and the
compiled method over.  But if the block can stand on its own two feet that I
don't have to copy any other objects over and it can have a back pointer
proxy to any shared environment.


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