Embedding Squeak in REALbasic?

reic0024 at d.umn.edu reic0024 at d.umn.edu
Sun May 27 19:20:34 UTC 2001

Quoting Bijan Parsia <bparsia at email.unc.edu>:

> Probably the simplest thing is to use AppleEvents with squeak as the
> backend and RealBasic as the front end.

Does Squeak accept AppleEvents?  I wasn't sure of this, so was thinking 
it'd do it through sockets, passing some standardly formatted data back 
and forth.  XML or something.  That could be kind of annoying and/or slow 
locally, but you could networkify it easily. :)

> This needs fleshing out, of course. You prolly would want to eliminate 
> *appearance* of "two apps", perhaps by running squeak headless. Off
> course, you could try to uses some UI OSAXEN, but that's as much 
> as just using Squeak stuff (though they will be native widgets).

I assumed the headless part.  The Squeak development could be done 
with a usual VM on the to-be-embedded image, or possibly by turning the 
Squeak UI on and off via some secret switch in the app.


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