newbie question about morphs

Alan Kay Alan.Kay at
Wed May 30 18:28:35 UTC 2001

Rosemary --

Note that a morph can be a view of a morph. The relationship here is 
like aliases on the Mac. The choice was originally motivated by the 
novice user's way of looking at things concretely. So each morph has 
one owner, but morphs can be created that take their "costumes" from 
another morph. We haven't done a lot with this as yet, but are very 
glad you are thinking of doing this. So let us know your thoughts as 
you move along .... we would be glad to help you stay in Morphic .....




At 1:16 PM -0400 5/30/01, Rosemary Michelle Simpson wrote:
>The world I am creating is a spatial hypermedia environment called
>ConceptLab that provides multiple POVs and multi-dimensional
>views over the same set of objects, on the screen at the same
>time.  For example, a Person instance can be simultaneously part
>of an Institution instance, a Paper instance, a Project instance, and
>a Concept instance, as well as being itself, a Person instance, and
>all of these can be on the screen at the same time.  This is true for
>all ConceptLab objects. 
>In addition, a given instance can contain multiple pointers to another
>specific instance at different levels.  For example, "Catherine
>Marshall" (a Person instance) can appear multiple times at several
>levels as part of the "Spatial Hypertext" Concept instance.
>If I understand correctly what seems to be true about composite
>morphs - that a given morph can be embedded in one and only one
>composite morph - then I cannot use Morphic to model my world
>and must instead work with MVC.  Is this correct?

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