The Joys of the Script Manager

Joseph Pelrine jpelrine at
Thu May 31 16:08:12 UTC 2001

aw, shucks. I'm turning red here ;-)

If you have the latest version, you'll note that you can also maintain 
multiple managers on multiple data files. Just export the scripts into 
another file name than 'scripts'. That's what I do to keep big groups of 
scripts separate, and to transfer them from image to image.


At 18:02 31.05.2001 , you wrote:
>I just wanted to say thanks for the Script Manager to Joseph Pelrine
>whoever else might've worked on it.
>I'm doing work in an area that is usually would be done in little awk
>or perl scripts.  Parse file, compute some minor stats, and generate
>an XML file with this info.  The format is full of exceptions, and it's
>always a battle finding the new one screwing up your output.
>I've been writing a lot of little scripts.  Nothing I want to formalize
>in a class, just transient, often changed code.
>The Script Manager allows me to dump it somewhere, without giving me
>not-so-fresh-and-clean feeling of putting it in some "MiscScripts" class
>that just has methods hanging off of the class side.

  - Joseph Pelrine [ | ]
Daedalos Consulting
Email:  jpelrine at

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