[BUG] CRASHER: #resume a terminated process kills VM

John B. Thiel jbthiel at pobox.com
Thu May 10 19:39:26 UTC 2001

The following will kill the VM   (Squeak 3.0,   MacOS and Cocoa VMs 

p_ [d_Delay forSeconds: 2. 1 to: 100 do: [:i| d wait. Transcript show: 
'step '. ]] newProcess .
p resume.   "crashes with or without this line"
p terminate.
p resume      "WARNING:  this line kills VM"


Also,   #resume on a running process produces erratic behavior.  I would 
expect it to be no-op (or flag error?)

#suspend on suspended is ok (flags error).
#suspend on terminated is ok (flags error).
#terminate on terminated seems ok (silent)


BTW,  Are processes the right way to accomplish "threads" in Squeak, or 
is there some other mechanism?


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