Maybe Squeak 3.0 isn't so large after all...

Richard A. O'Keefe ok at
Thu May 24 23:16:47 UTC 2001

MacOS Get Info on Squeak 3.0Alpha8MT
    Minimum size:     1000 K   (it should be k, of course)
    Suggested size:  20000 K
    Preferrred size: 24000 K
8000K is not enough to open the 3.0 image, but 12000K is.

At 24MB, I thought that was pretty big.  My home Mac only has 8MB of memory.
But then I checked,
where it tells me that 

    Memory requirements for MRJ 2.2.4 vary depending on
    how you are using Java: 

      * The minimum requirement for running simple
        applets is 40 megabytes (MB) of RAM, with
        virtual memory on and set to at least 44 MB. 

      * To run complex applets and applications, 64 MB of RAM is highly
        recommended.  Increasing RAM to 64 MB or more will also improve

What _can_ they be doing with all that memory?  But here's the gem:

    MRJ 2.2.4 is an upgrade to MRJ 2.2 that improves memory usage, ...

Now Java isn't my favourite language, but what with incremental loading,
there's no reason it should soak up huge amounts of memory just sitting
there running "simple applets".

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