GPL and Squeak and Stuff [CSOTD]

goran.hultgren at goran.hultgren at
Thu Nov 8 16:30:53 UTC 2001

Ed Heil <uncorrected at> wrote:
[SNIPPED good stuff]
> Sorry to have raised such a hubbub over this -- I really am.  I do

No hubbub raised! Don't be sorry, noone is offended (I think).

> respect your views on the issue and think they are reasonable; I only
> think that reasonable folks can also hold the views you reject, and
> that's why it's so difficult.

Well, put.

And just to show you how much I wanted to say this in your support
Celeste forced me hack up and append this "highly praised beautiful
piece of Squeak code":

"Really bizarre way of removing tags in a String... Just print it."
(('a <tagged>String</tagged> you say?' findTokens: '<>' keep: '<')
	inject: ''->true into: [:x :s |
		(s = '<')
			ifTrue:[x key->false]
			ifFalse:[x value
						ifTrue:[x key,s->true]
						ifFalse:[x key->true]]]) key

Who says you can't write obfuscated Smalltalk? ;-) #inject:into: rocks!
Eh, well sortof...

regards, Göran

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