A Squeak PDA

Tim Rowledge tim at sumeru.stanford.edu
Fri Nov 9 01:30:09 UTC 2001

Aaron J Reichow <reic0024 at d.umn.edu> is widely believed to have written:

> Possible platform: Compaq iPAQ H3150 (like the more common model, but
> greyscale) running Linux and a Squeak/Linux FB VM.
In almost all respects it simply doesn't matter what machine you use,
except inasmuch as it restricts performance or functionality. Choosing
linux on a StrongARM is good in almost all respects except that some
dunderhead has broken the gcc optimiser completely and utterly and there
appears to be no fix around. If anyone knows good gcc hackers, please
lock them in a room until they fix this.

> 2. A soft-keyboard morph
Thought  saw one of those around?
> 3. Revamp the window manager to produce something more appropriate to a
> PDA.  I think PicoGUI (http://picogui.org) is a great place to look for
> ideas.
hmm, maybe. It doesn't look too terribly good to me. Too windoze.
> 4. Write a datastore.
Don't duplicate work. There are already several projects that people
have done; Minnestore for example.

So far as possible, just grab the framebuffer or better yet just grab
memory and set the video h/w to display the bits you want to be the
display. Throw out as much as possible of the 'OS' - they're all junk.
Consider building on the SqueakNOS project instead of wasting resources
on linux - way too much excess baggage.


Tim Rowledge, tim at sumeru.stanford.edu, http://sumeru.stanford.edu/tim
Strange OpCodes: SDR: Shift Disk Right

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