A Squeak PDA

Ohshima, Yoshiki Yoshiki.Ohshima at disney.com
Thu Nov 15 18:02:05 UTC 2001


> >   However, do you mean that you can use more memory even
> > without using memory mapped file?
> 	Only if there's more main memory present. :)  E.g., I have a unit with
> 64M of "storage/program" memory; I usually use just about all of it as
> "program" memory and allocate it all to Squeak, and keep all my storage
> bits on a hard disk in a sleeve.

  I have 64MB model, too.  However, even the
memStats.dwAvailPhys says "35MB is available", still

  VirtualAlloc(NULL, desiredHeapSize /* > 13MB */, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);

call returns NULL in my environment.  Am I missing some

-- Yoshiki

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