Sorting Algorithm so far...

Christopher K Roach chrisroach at
Thu Nov 15 22:18:04 UTC 2001


I am very thankful with all your help so far you guys, I have so far the
following.  I dont know if this is of any help, going to try it some time
soon, but if any one either thinks the code is rubbish or not right give me
an email.

!Collection methodsFor: `converting`!

    | aSortedCollection |
    aSortedCollection := SortedCollection new.
    aSortedCollection addAll: self.

asSortedCollection: aBlock
    | aSortedCollection |
    aSortedCollection := SortedCollection sortBlock: aBlock.
    aSortedCollection addAll: self.

!SortedCollection methodsFor: `adding elements`!

addAll: aCollection
    | newSortedCollection |

    newSortedCollection _ self growTo: self basicSize + aCollection size.
    firstIndex to: lastIndex do: [ :index |
        newSortedCollection basicAt: index
                                put: (self basicAt: index)
    aCollection do: [ :element |
        lastIndex := lastIndex + 1.
        newSortedCollection basicAt: lastIndex put: element
    newSortedCollection firstIndex: firstIndex
                lastIndex: lastIndex.
    newSortedCollection resort.
    ^self become: newSortedCollection

!SortedCollection methodsFor: `private`!

    self quicksort: firstIndex to: lastIndex

quicksort: begin to: end
    "This is an implementation of the Quick Sort algorithm, which
     is O(n*log(n)), where n is the size of the collection to
     be sorted."

    | pivot i j temp middle |

    i := begin.
    j := end.
    middle := (i + j) // 2.
    pivot := self basicAt: middle.

    [ i > j ] whileFalse: [
        [ temp := self basicAt: i.
          (sortBlock value: pivot value: temp) not
              and: [ sortBlock value: temp value: pivot ]
        ] whileTrue: [ i := i + 1 ].

        [ temp := self basicAt: j.
          (sortBlock value: temp value: pivot) not
              and: [ sortBlock value: pivot value: temp ]
        ] whileTrue: [ j := j - 1 ].

        (i <= j) ifTrue: [
            (i == j) ifFalse: [
                temp := self basicAt: i.
                self basicAt: i put: (self basicAt: j).
                self basicAt: j put: temp.
            i := i + 1.
            j := j - 1

    (begin < j)
        ifTrue: [ self quicksort: begin to: j ].

    (i < end)
        ifTrue: [ self quicksort: i to: end ]

!SortedCollection methodsFor: `instance protocol`!

sortBlock: aSortBlock
    "Change the sort criteria for a sorted collection,
     resort the elements of the collection, and return it."
    | newSortedCollection |
    self setSortBlock: aSortBlock.
    self resort

Bert Freudenberg <bert at> wrote the following:

order := [:a :b |
  a title < b title or: [
    a title = b title and: [a name < b name or: [
      a name = b name and: [a ref < b ref or: [
        a number < b number]]]]]]

Then you can use a SortedCollection with this order to sort:

  s := SortedCollection sortBlock: order.
  s addAll: unsorted.
  s do: [:obj | obj print]

which links to:

asSortedCollection: aBlock
    | aSortedCollection |
    aSortedCollection := SortedCollection sortBlock: aBlock.
    aSortedCollection addAll: self.

In the addall I still dont really understand how the length of the array is
decided there?

So all I think I need now - is a procedure or method?  which reads in
entries from a file test.txt or something?  which leads onto the next
question how I do this?  does anyone have any code?  Apart from that, I need
to also made methods... how do I do this?  Do i need a class aswell??  ahhhh
I dont understand smalltalk please HELP!



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