[ENH] File primitive SUnit (another version)

David T. Lewis lewis at mail.msen.com
Fri Nov 23 19:38:08 UTC 2001

On Fri, Nov 23, 2001 at 01:08:22AM -0800, John M McIntosh wrote:
> Ok, I've done a little bit of revision. Windows users are welcome to 
> kick the tires.
On Linux, the #testFileCreate test fails in the #subFileCreate method
when it tries to do the following:
  self should: [file _ shortDir forceNewFileNamed: aFileName] raise: Error.

I'm running Linux with an NFS mounted Squeak directory, which produces
rather odd failure symptoms. The #forceNewFileNamed: deletes the A/A.txt
file, but there is another open reference to A/A.txt from Squeak, so the
file does not really disappear yet. And since it's on an NFS mounted file
system, NFS seems to accomplish this by keeping a hidden file named
something like "A/.nfs0002c80300000023". This leads to TestRunner
attempting to delete the "A" directory in its tearDown method, which
fails due to the directory not being empty.

All of this seemed rather mysterious until I noticed the hidden NFS
droppings, so I thought it would be worth describing.


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