Movie-JPEG (was Re: [updates] 10 for 3.2a)

Nick Brown maillist at
Wed Nov 28 19:08:28 UTC 2001

On Tue, 27 Nov 2001 18:27:44 -0800, John.Maloney at wrote:

>How widely used is it? Do programs such as Quicktime deal
>with it?

My aproximate understanding is that it's never used for "end product",
as MJPEG files are much larger than their MPEG equivalents. The
mid-level video capture hardware (Matrox, etc) seems to like using it
- I think the key point is that its far easier to edit compared to a
file format where you only get a key frame once in a while (ie regular

Most of the cheaper tv-card style video grabbers that I've seen don't
bother with it, and just go straight to MPEG.

I suppose this boils down to, "Support MJPEG if its nice and easy, but
don't bust a gut over it".

Nick Brown

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