A stupid newbie question

Gary McGovern garywork at lineone.net
Tue Oct 9 14:37:58 UTC 2001

----- Original Message -----
From: "John Hinsley" <jhinsley at telinco.co.uk>

> If you're saying "I can't afford to stay on line long enough to play
> with the Squeakland stuff", I know that feeling. But don't forget that
> you can "save project to file" through the plug-in just as you can
> through your "real" Squeak. You can then load it into Squeak and play to
> your heart's content offline. I'm damned if I can remember where the
> plugin puts those files in Windows, though.

Well thank you John, that could be the missing thing I was thinking of. If
that works how I imagine then that would be almost perfect. My apologies to
Alan Kay, I may see eye to eye now.

I was never talking about dlls and registry stuff, because I never
programmed that way before Squeak, mostly I did offline Java applet type

Now its a matter of how tidy and simple offline projects are. Stephen Pair
needn't take up my offer.

>Ken Kahn wrote:
>But the bigger issue is to whether to build upon an >existing environment
or build one from scratch.

But Squeak piggy backs on OSes so is an environment built from scratch and
built upon an existing environment.

No flames please.


> //snipped//
> >
> > I'm not trying to convert you here, but I can't think of anything
> > than double clicking on an icon except single clicking on one. But who
am I
> > to say.
> I'm no longer sure of the context of this, but if it's simply to run
> Squeak, I think we've done it to death here! Of course, the drag file
> onto icon stuff is natural to Mac (and Kde) users.
> Cheers
> John
> --
> If you don't care about your data, like file systems which automagically
> destroy themselves and have money to burn on 3rd party tools to keep
> your
> system staggering on, Microsoft (tm) have the Operating System for you.

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