Still trying to kill that pesky morph......

John Hinsley jhinsley at
Mon Oct 22 00:29:53 UTC 2001

Karl Ramberg wrote:
> John,
> here is one way of doing this:
> I will here use the show and hide messages instead of delete.
> Open a morph, fx a rectangle morph.
> Open the WorldTimeMorph and embed it into the rectangle.
> Embed two buttons into the rectangle as well, and change their
> labels to 'dial anyway' and 'cancel'.
> So
> Add a instance variable to your rolodex that holds the local time.
> then to each of the dial work / home etc button scripts
> add a ifTrue/ifFalse widget
> then first test if the local time equals persons timezone
> ifTrue: dial as before.
> ifFalse: Rectangle show.
> and make scripts for the two buttons in the rectangle morph
> the 'cancel' button should simply be a
> Rectangle hide
> and the 'dial anyway' a rectangle hide plus the dial script.
> Hope this helps:-)

Thanks Karl, that's a clever way of doing it, but not quite what I was
looking for. (Mind you, it's actually very difficult to describe what
I'm looking for without either sending a series of images or some kind
of design structure, and the Rolodex is very much Gonzo coding: totally
unplanned, unstructured and driven by inspiration, happenstance and the
need for discovery and playfullness.;-)

Ned's line:

World allMorphsDo: [ :ea | (ea isKindOf: WorldTimeMorph) ifTrue: [ ea
delete ]]

Works a treat and it'll enable me to run everything from the dial...
buttons (I think). I'll let you know when I've re-written the tests!

Thanks again



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