Are tutorials there to confuse?

John Hinsley jhinsley at
Thu Oct 25 19:39:27 UTC 2001

compufriend wrote:
> I'm desperate to make use of Smalltalk. Steps followed: downloaded Squeak,
> updated up to 3.2alpha #4441, got about 120 pages (printouts) worth of
> tutorials and then I'm keen on starting. Jason Steffler has this nice
> readalong tutorial where I tried per instructions to create a polygon from
> point so and so upto point so and so, width this and "color := Color red" .
>  .  Squeak tells me - "MessageNotUnderstood: red" .  The rest of that tut.
> helped nadda 'cause I could get no further than the first few lines of
> coding.
> Next Tutorial:    I'm suppose to type in -    playground := Playground new.
> charlie := playground add: Circle new. etc.    Firstly Squeak tells me that
> playground will be declared a global variable, which I suppose is fine, so I
> accept. Then famous last words it seems: "MessageNotUnderstood: new "
> Is this some odd ploy against M$ that I have to use seeing as 100% of my
> clients uses it, or am I sooo big a nuckfut that I'm not suppose to grasp
> Squeak which any person from 3 to 180 can use do develop in? I really wish I
> can get help that will really get me up and running. Here in South Africa it
> seems like I'm hte only person who will be using Smalltalk, so no books from
> bookstores available, and as I don't have a credit card, I'm not able to buy
> online either... I stuck with tutorials that works only as readalong options
> it seems. Anybody????

OK, it looks like Squeak changed so that those tutorials don't work (I
think someone posted something to the list re: the LG Tutorial....
that's Jason Steffler's ones). You could always try writing to the
authors...(no, really, most people who write tutorials care that people
can use them!) But my tutorial, John Maloney's tutorial and most of the
others will work OK with the latest and greatest Squeak.

It's no ploy against M$. Squeak is, in a sense, an operating system
entire unto itself and will work pretty much the same on all platforms. 

You could probably order the books from the shops! (An alternative,
depending on where you are, would be to go to the computer department of
your local university and stick up an ad offering to buy Smalltalk
books: anything Smalltalk 80 should be useful.

In the meantime, one of the Squeak books is available on line:

the by John Maloney himself should get you around some
basic ideas, and there's nothing like learning Morphic from one of the
people who created it!



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