[OT] Ultimate Squeak Box?

John Hinsley jhinsley at telinco.co.uk
Fri Oct 26 00:49:51 UTC 2001

Well, it's the Ultimate Linux Box, really, but it should run Squeak
pretty well!

Eric S.Raymond (the acceptable face of Open Source, author of the
Cathedral and the Bazaar, etc.) has built a money no object PC running
dual Athlons, 2Gb of 266 ram, ultra fast SCSI, bleeding edge graphics,
etc. $6000 worth of kit. And being ESR, he's written it up and justified
every design decision, from using tape backup to case choice for noise

This thing will compile a kernel in well under 2 minutes (which is far
too fast -- how will kernel hackers manage to take a shower, catch an
episode of Buffy, etc?).

Ah well, when we go 64bit, this stuff will become cheap!


Green with envy


If you don't care about your data, like file systems which automagically
destroy themselves and have money to burn on 3rd party tools to keep
system staggering on, Microsoft (tm) have the Operating System for you.

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