[celeste] moving from Communicator to Celeste....

danielv at netvision.net.il danielv at netvision.net.il
Wed Oct 31 17:23:51 UTC 2001

Cool, I don't know of anyone with quite that much mail in Celeste!

I think you can probably live happily in Celeste, and I'm sure you'll
get plenty of help if you need it (on the list or off it), but you
should know you might need to get your elbows dirty to get good

I've used Celeste with 130MB very happily, and I think some people have
somewhat more.

What might be too slow for your comfort is the operation of saving and
loading the index, which is dependent on how many messages you have.
However, this is only done when you open/close Celeste, so that's not
too bad. Another thing is that the in memory index, well, takes up

As Lex said, we have plans to overhaul the Celeste indexes, which are
somewhat stuck, but maybe they'll be unstuck if that gives you trouble.

About the conversion -
Nope, we don't have a Communicator format mail reader/importer. However,
it's pretty easy to write them - that's how I converted from MH, for
example - I wrote the class MHMainInboxFile (all two methods of it).
Your milage might vary - but a Communicator filter would probably be
useful to other people too.

Then you put your class in MailBD>>importMailFrom:intoCategory: instead
of MailInboxFile, and voila.

Anther question -
Do you have a deep mail category tree? Celeste has a flat list. You'll
have to think what you want to do with that.


John Hinsley <jhinsley at telinco.co.uk> wrote:
> I'd like to switch from Communicator to Celeste. I don't have any
> problems with multiple ISPs and such. 
> The problem I do have is simply the huge amount (well, hugeness is
> relative, currently nudging half a gig and all in standard Netscape 4.7*
> on *nix format) of stuff I have to transfer over. It can't be as simple
> as copying all the child directories over, or can it?
> Ideas, advice and cries of "don't do it!" welcome.
> Cheers
> John 
> -- 
> If you don't care about your data, like file systems which automagically
> destroy themselves and have money to burn on 3rd party tools to keep
> your
> system staggering on, Microsoft (tm) have the Operating System for you.

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