SmallLint (Re: [ANN] Refactoring Browser port to Squeak goes beta)

Andreas Kuckartz a.kuckartz at
Mon Sep 3 04:14:10 UTC 2001

> Bob Hartwig's site includes a UI for the Lint tool (find bugs, code
> smells, and oddities automatically) which is uses the RB model. We
> haven't tested or modified it.

That is

Decompress and file it in after the RB-files and execute "LintDialog open".
Then select items in the different panes and hit the "RUN" button. Only
select a few classes until you have a feeling for the expected execution
time or at least schedule a coffee-break ... Click on an item in the
resulting report and a RB opens.

First impression: it seems to work fine. (The RBs for "Variables not
referenced" do not show the names of the variables.)

Further information about Smalllint is avalable here:

and the rules are explained there:


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