[goodie] Kids' Refrigerator Magnets

Dan Ingalls Dan at SqueakLand.org
Sun Sep 9 00:45:54 UTC 2001

Hola, Diego!

>I'd like to add support for spanish to the KidsRefrigeratorMagnets goodie.
>When I execute PhoneticTranscriber spanish a get a "MessageNotUnderstood: spanish"
>The problem is in PhoneticRule class>>spanish at the line:
>        phonemes _ PhonemeSet spanish.
>I have no enough knowledge of TTS to fix it..... :(

Well, since Luciano Notarfrancesco was the author, I bet that help is on the way ;-).

>The other question is: this code will speak in spanish?
>        | s |
>        s _ Speaker new.
>        s transcriber: PhoneticTranscriber spanish.
>        s say:'Hola mundo'.

It should, once you have written that method.  Actually, you should find all the methods named #english, and write the equivalents for Spanish.  There are only three, but it may take a bit of study to know how to capture the appropriate differences.

I'm sure Luciano has just what you need.

By the way, Luciano, if you are reading this, you once pointed us at some data that should improve our TTS for English.  I was impressed recently how easy it was to improve the pronunciation of numbers, given your help, and now I am curious how well our Klatt TTS could do with a really good set of rules.  If you have such a thing, could you put it out as an [ENH], or at least point us once again at the source for such guidance?

	- Dan

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